The choices today are plenty of. Do any Google search for "unlock iPhone" and you are met with hack after hack, application after application, all claiming to be the best way to unlock your iPhone. Dig a little deeper, and you discover tutorials all talking about jailbreaking, preparing the phone for the application, firmware patches, unlocking the SIM-lock, and more.
How do you unlock your iPhone? What if you don't require to use AT&T, the official carrier, for your iPhone service?
You see, a lot of the hacks work on a firmware-patch. This patch bypasses the unlock part of your iPhone so that it does not realize it is still, essentially, locked. It no longer tells itself that you require to unlock it to use it. These firmware-patches are considered temporary unlocks, and are often rendered useless by baseband flashing or upgrades.
it is all very complicated stuff, when you find out that you may have to unlock your iPhone all over again every time Apple decides to do a baseband flashing or upgrade. Can you imagine being right in the middle of the most important call of your life, and your iphone locks back up? What if you are transmitting crucial data to anyone at that moment? Is it a chance you require to take? If this happens to you, you will require to download more application to restore your iPhone back the way it was, and then go through the unlocking procedure all over again.
Another type of hack to unlock your iPhone is called a direct unlock. This type of hack is more permanent. It works on IPFS application to replace your iPhone's lockdata with essentially blank data. In some cases you may be able to get the unlock codes you need, and this hack can feed it the correct unlock codes to unlock it. This hack is not affected by baseband upgrades, and supposedly leaves no trace of the hacking. But you are still messing with hacking your iPhone, which carries risks of its own.
What risks? Any time you use hacks on your iPhone, there is a possibility of causing permanent damage to your iPhone. It would be such a shame to lose your new iPhone before you ever even got to use it, wouldn't it?
If you damage it, or if you ever require service on your iPhone, you will require to restore your phone back to its unhacked state, and re-install the factory AT&T SIM before you take it in for service. Why? Hacking it VOIDS your warranty! and, do you require to tell Apple that you illegally unlocked your iPhone?
So is there a legal and safe way to unlock your iphone AND use a different carrier besided AT&T? The great news is, YES! Your easy solution is to head on over to TheiPhoneDVD and grab the iPhone DVD! The iPhone DVD is the ultimate accessory package for your new iPhone, and includes legal application to unlock your iPhone without hacks or breaking it. When unlocked, you can use any mobile carrier you like to provide your iPhone service!
Why take the risks and hassles associated with iPhone hacks, when you can unlock your iPhone and get a massive iPhone entertainment package to boot, with The iPhone DVD? It's the clear choice.
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