iUSB Tunnel 1.2.0

iUSB Tunnel 1.2.0


So yeah I made this program some time ago but only used myself and didn't release it, anyway yesterday I added support for tethering redid the design some, added help buttons under each category and added a about button so I decided that I could just as well release it since there might be someone who would actually use it. If you like it feel free to spread it as much you want to friends, forums, blogs, whatever.

The short description from my temporary website

NurkJon.Com wrote:

iUSB Tunnel is a simple gui that makes it easy to use SSH, VNC and Tethering with your iPhone over usb on a Windows machine. It's a free liteweight program and portable so you can run it from a usb stick if you want. It comes loaded with WinSCP, Putty, Firefox Portable, iTunnel, TightVNC and UltraVNC so you don't have to download those programs.

iUSB Tunnel Installer
Files in a zip, no install needed


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